This is the first post in a long, long time! So I'm going to try to put a picture and a story for every month.
December 2010
As a Christmas present for my Father, we buy Jacques, a 3 year old standard gelded donkey.
Isn't he cute? Here he is!
January 2011
Just after introducing Jacques to the farm, Tess our Nigerian Dwarf Doe kids, and had twins, a boy and a girl. Cricket on the left, Romeo on the right.
This picture was taken when they were a month old.
Febuary 2011
We decided we need a ram to breed the ewes this fall, so after checking around we find someone with a newborn "ramling" he can sell us. That's how we got "Hugo".
March 2011
March is our typical kidding season month , so I'll just post as many cute pics as I can.
This is Wesley, a 3 week old Alpine buckling.
This is Wesley just born.
Below is Daria, Wesley's twin sister.
Ben, and behind him his twin sister Bella.
Above is a picture of Daria
And ANOTHER picture of Daria,but this is her as a newborn.
April 2011
April is the month when most of our sheep lamb, so here's Honey, with her twin girls.
Here is a better picture of them, I am holding them. Note Honey is behind me making sure no harm comes to her lambs.
Okay and here's the story part of this month. We had three ewes due, Honey , Beatrice and Violet.
So honey lambed, no problem, Beatrice lambed, she was fine. So now it was Violet's turn, she was a yearling and she would be a first time mother. So one morning we go outside and check on every body, we see that Violet had lambed! One little boy it was so cute! She's up and caring for it, so we get her some water, and we back and there's another one!! We go omigosh! She had two!! Her first time, wow! So we got back into the house. A little later we come back out to check on her, we count the babies, one, two....three. Wait a minute.. Three??? She had THREE babies? A first time mother having THREE is very rare, so we decided that it would be too much for her and decided to bottle feed one. So of course we decided on the runt. We weighed him and he only weighed ONE pound. He was a VERY needy baby.
Here's his picture!
I'm going to put a couple just 'cause he's adorable!!
Okay thats it for April!
May 2011
Okay, did I mention we had geese? Well we do and they decided to do some hatching! Nine little peeps!!
June 2011
Remeber how I said all our does usually kidded in March? Oh well I forgot Scarlett, Scarlett was bred in January of this year, right around when Tess kidded. So this the story of her kidding.
Scarlet had a very hard birth this year. She had her first baby, Storm a buckling at around noon, he was born slightly breeched. 4 hours later Scarlett was still kidding and had not delivered her 2nd baby, finally after another hour she had it. Unfortunatly it was stillborn. And it was horribly breeched. Then minutes later she had Simone, a French Alpine Doeling.
Simone is in my lap, and Storm is contented eating my hair
Here I am holding Simone.
July 2011
So in July we went to france to vist family, here are some pictures I toom while was there.
above:A castle
Above: Do you see all those dots in the right hand corner? Those are sheep!
August 2011
Home at last!! Now we have to get back to milking!!
September 2011
So now we have bucks to think about, we usually breed our does in October.
Ordered our broiler chicks, 100 this year!
October 2011
Okay, so Scarlett was bred first, followed by Delaine, then Bijou. I guess Scarlett isn't up to her usual January tricks lol.
Heres the buck we used!
He's one stinky guy!!
November 2011
With the help of some of our friends we butchered the broilers.
December 2011
On December 24th , 2011 our Great Pyrenees, Belle, passed away due to cancer.
And also for Christmas I recieved an incubator, so I have two dozen eggs due hatch in January. Peep Peep!
Okay that's it! Happy New Year!!!