Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Peep Peep

I candled the eggs in my brinsea last night, we have both 2 Mallard duck eggs delevoping, 2 out of 3 geese eggs developing and also 3 silkie eggs I just put in  yesterday afternoon.  We are keeping all of them except the goslings, as we have an overbundunce of them and geese in general.

I just found out my silkie hen IS laying, so all her eggs will be in the incubator :) I recently purchased her and a rooster, but unfortunatly the roooster passed. I'm hoping the eggs are still fertile. Only time and candling will tell.

Enventually I'll be selling some of her chicks, go to my poultry page  for more information.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It's a Snow Day! Plus New Lamb

It's started snowing on Saturday, and we woke  on Sunday morning to a winter wonderland, we got about 4 inchs!

This is the new lamb, one huge boy, infact he is the only ram lamb from this year! 4 girls and 1 boy!!

Today I decided to go on a walk and take pictures  before the snow melted, because it was going fast.

Bo, of course had to come along.

This picture some how got turned on its side, but what kind of print is this??


Friday, February 17, 2012

Poor Little Lamb...

On Wednesday one of our new lambs broke its leg, either it was injured by a very hard butt, by Tess, or Jacques accidentally stepped on her foot while investigating the new babies.

The poor little girl's leg was completely snapped in half, and serves no use to her at all. But she is nursing and manages to keep up with her mother and her sister.

We decide to wrap up her leg, we also gave her banamine.

                     Vet wrap, pain killer and a needle to inject the pain killer.

While we were doing up her leg we noticed that she was grinding her teeth, which means they are in pain, we gave her the pain killer . That should help.

                                             Her finished look!

                        She CAN get around!!
As soon as we set her down she ran to her mother screaming "Mama, Mama, they almost KILLED me!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

First 2012 Lambs

On the 27th of January Honey our Katahdin ewe delivered two twin girls! They were large and healthy and were up to nurse quickly. They are now 2 weeks old and are doing great!

Here are our girls!

Doing a bit of jumping!

This is Rose-mary

This is Lily, we might keep her!

I really love this picture of Rose-mary!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's finally winter!

Last night we had the first snow of the season! Though during this morning's chores, all the animals were definately feeling the cold.

Everyone is out in the snow waiting to be fed! Brrr

The chickens are cold.

Even the geese are cold!

Oh and here comes Mr. Grumpy

"I'm cold!" "Feed me!"

It's time to get out Jacque's donkey coat ;) he's so cute in it!

Putting it on.........

And there we go!! He hasn't worn his coat since we got him :)