Saturday, January 30, 2010

Neige, biensur...

It IS snowing. Looks like we may get 10 inches. I get to spend the day thinking about our future kiddings. It looks like our Lamancha, Black Walnut, a.k.a. Noisette (name must be french per husband's orders), will kid around Feb. 27 at around the same time as our sheep.

I'm having thoughts of fresh milk again... and if I finally should invest in a cream separator. Think BUTTER, CREME FRAICHE, WHIPPED CREAM. Too good, and with sweet, sweet goat's milk.

Anyway, Black Walnut, pardon, Noisette, is starting to make a wee little udder. She's a first freshener, meaning she has never kidded previously. We may see some dramatic changes in her over the next few weeks, including udder size, softening of her vulva, bad attitude or lovely attitude, and of course the look of a barrel on stilts. 4 thin elegant legs and a huge belly with wiggling body parts bumping around.

I really enjoyed milking this year as a relaxing moment during the day; it's like therapy and who doesn't need that!? Yet, kidding time is such a thrill.

So, I've added a picture of Belle's coat matted with ice. She is 3/4 Great Pyrenees and 1/4 Border Collie. Like all LGD's she barks all night and we are grateful for that. Who knows what predators she has chased off. Of course, she adores the snow and has been sleeping in it all day. Her double coat ensures that water never really penetrates to her skin, sort of like a sheep with wool.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Snow, again?

Yes, it appears that Virginia does get snow. 24 inches in December, now we're looking at a squall this evening. Those of you who have goats know what that means: toting gallons and gallons of warm water to wimpy goats who hate to get their feet wet. I end up with an entire pant leg wet, of course, as the bucket inevitably bumps into some unforeseen object.

Oh, but the sense of satisfaction and benevolence when the goats happily slurp down the steaming water. To be taken so well care of... If only we had the time to run water to the barn.